Friday, January 28, 2011

Thursday Night and Ready for the Week End

I have been away from blogging for a few days.  Just not able to get words to come mentally and very tired.  I have had alot on my mind and need to eliminate something from my busy life.  So until I trim down my activities and responsiblities I will be feeling very overhelmed.  Boy do I sound whako!!!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

The Week-End Is Here

I got to sleep in a little is morning and it felt great.  But I didn't want to waste the day away in bed and we had plans to spend the day at my moms with my sister and her family.  We had our Football watching planned, predictions made, yummy food, and lots of family fun.  Once Harold got home and we got ourselves together, we headed out.  We picked up 2 family size pizza as our contribution.

We had a great time watching the Saints and Seahawks!!!!!!!Yah, the Seahawks won and Andrew won the predictions.  We were thrilled with the results.  The food was all so good I am sure I ate way too much.  We played some games, shared pictures, and talked.  It all ended so quickly.  I would like to spend tomorrow   with them also but I really need to take a rest and get ready for the coming week.  But Karla doesn't get to visit very often so it would be nice to spend a little more time.  We have our big family reunion in August and I know the time will fly by between now and then.

I have a new job at church starting tomorrow.  I will let you in on it next time I write.  I have mixed feelings at this point because I was really hoping to spend time out of town on the week ends.  Harold and I need to get more time to ourselves and relax, so it isn't the calling at church but just the responsibilty of needing to be here every Sunday.  We shall see how it goes.

It is getting late and I would like to get enough sleep so I am awake at church tomorrow.  My emotions and energy level seem really off lately.  I hope that will change with Winter half over and Spring to look forward to.

Have a wonderful Sabbath, get some rest and know that I think of you all many times per day. Nite Nite!!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Mid-Week over the hump!

Well, today was fun.  Little Lexi and I went to the mall and did some shopping.  She was pretty good for a 3 yr old and she is a lot of fun.  My sister is coming for a few days to celebrate her birthday.  So since I still have my Christmas Decor up I thought we could do a little mini Christmas and have a little fun.  I bought one gift person  but of course I bought a nice gift for my sister.  Lexi even pick out a gift she wants me to wrap for her to open.  Funny huh?  She picked out Tinkerbell slippers.  They are so cute.

After we had lunch I was shopping in my favorite shop and the next thing I know Lexi is laying on the floor groaning, "Damah,  I want to go home,  I tired."  I look down and just laugh inside because it was so funny seeing her there  on the floor.  The sales lady looked over and started laughing.  I said, "Well, I guess we have had a big day."  We finished shopping and headed home.

When my sister and I got married our husbands took us off into different directions all over the world.  In the past 37 years I cannot remember more that 2 Christmas's that our families have ever been together.  Maybe only once!  That is really sad.  But, Grandview has never been a real happening place but over the years the town has hit the low of lows.  It is often referred to as Little Tijuana.  I can remember when there was more shopping in Grandview then in Prosser and Sunnyside put together.  Prosser started gaining on Grandview about the time Grandview started going downhill.  Soon Sunnyside and Prosser had the only quick shopping but everyone started going to the Tri-Cities and Yakima.  Anyway, there just hasn't been a lot to pull all of us together in Grandview.  Our families(Moms and Dads) never were close and our moms side, which we were around the most, were not the type of people we ever wanted to hang with.  Dads side was  not the warm close type of people.  Especially after Grandma Clara died the family just fell apart, she was the heart and soul of the family.  I really miss her.  Karla I think chose to stay away, I did too for awhile but I had the feeling that we needed to bring our children closer to family and the Yakima Valley.  Had I known what this area would become I don't think I would have been so eager to move back here 22 yrs ago.

Here we are in 2011, lots of miles and years behind us.  Our children have grown and are here and there.  It takes a lot of planning and pleading to get our families all together at one time. It just doesn't happen!  Isn't it funny how the only thing that matters most in the whole world is the hardest to hold onto, like family times.  I take what I can get and try to hold it close to my heart. 

I have to get to bed now.  I rambled on way too long.  Maybe this will help you commit to staying close to family.  Good night.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

being lazy is okay?!!

Today started off with not wanting to get out of bed!!!  But this year we have the early schedule at church so up I got and off to church we went.  It will take some time to adjust and get use to doing more after church. All the meetings were good and I am so glad to have the gospel in my life.

It is so bitter cold that we just could not get warm today.  I am actually looking forward to going to bed just so I can get warm.  I had planned on cleaning a little more in the basement this afternoon but I just could not move because of my frozen feet and legs.  Tomorrow is not suppose to be any warmer than today,ghuhhhh! I think I want to move south in the winter as soon as Christmas is over, I think I am ready for Spring.

I did some reflecting today on my family and how much I wish I could have been home more with them as they were growing up.  There were some hard years when I needed to work but then I usually spent most of what I earned.  I regret not being more responsible with money.  I hope someday I will be just as frugile as Harold is.  He would be so happy to bank all the money instead of just his.  I have just a little more on my business credit card to pay and then maybe I can save too.

This summers family reunion is something I am so looking forward to.  Four days and five nights at Steamboat Colorado.  All families will have their own apt. at the resort and that alone is terrific, but then there are hundreds of activities, most are free, and even if just hanging out at the pool and gym is all I do it will be okie dokie with me.

I talked with my mom today and she wants me to get reservations at a resturant for Friday.  My sister is coming up from Arizona for her birthday on the 7 of January.  I wish we could have gone down there and thaw out but my mom won't fly.  So Karla is coming up here.  I am excited, I have not see her in over a year.

I need to get into bed, Lexi will be here bright and early and she will want me up to play and fix food.  She love to eat.  Good night and sweet dreams.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Knowing I can spend time writing in the evening has had me anxious all day.  I have 3 followers!, how exciting.

Today I had to clean but I wanted to do so many other things.  Realizing how neglecting my home over the past few years has really opened my eyes and it hurts.  I want so much to just wiggle my nose and have it all done but just like anything let go for so long takes alot more time to correct, why didn't I just keep up on it everyday?  It feels really good to accomplish a task so I will keep cleaning just to have that good feeling again and again. 

Harold helped me out, as he always does, he is so good about that.  He helped me with the laundry and he washed all the windows in the living room.  He then took me out to Mongolian Grill for dinner.  We love the veggies!

 When we got home we cuddled under a blanket and watched TV.  Actually he slept!  But that is ok, he worked all night and didnot take a nap when he got home.  He stayed up and helped me all day.  I wanted him to pull up the carpet in the bathroom and put down the laminate floor we had bought awhile back.  I want to get that done before my sister gets here next week.

I am gathering pictures and letters for my oldest grandson.  He is struggling right now and needs love and support from the family.  I am putting an album together for him with all our pictures.  He wants to beable to see our faces when he needs a little more strength.  I love him so much and my heart aches knowing he is struggling.  Life is so difficult for any teenager but then add unexpected medical problems and it takes a very strong spiritual family to pull it altogether.  Prayers are always welcomed.

It has been a good day, but still have many more days to accomplish all that needs to be done.  So good night and I hope you all have a wonderful sabbath day tomorrow. 

Friday, December 31, 2010

The End of 2010

I have decided to start writing and sharing my thoughts and creations for the whole year of 2011.  I would like to have company as I go on this journey, so I am inviting all of you to come along.

This past year has been full of learning, some disappointing, some exciting and some I am not so sure about.  Life is full of learning no matter how old you are and I think I am really glad about that.  What I don't like is having to take the hard knocks along the way.  So having a creative outlet is wonderful and my desires this year is to sew for myself, my kids, my grandkids, and I am really excited about sewing all the ideas and love designs I have been holding back for years.  I don't care if I sell a thing, I just want to fill my shop with all the ideas and love designs that I so want to create. 

I started the first of Dec. making a beautiful quilt for my oldest daughter.  It was her christmas gift and I think she really liked it.  I wanted to give her a little joy since she has not had alot of joy the past few months.  With a very ill son, she has had much heartache and tears.  Knowing there is a long road ahead I just wanted her to beable to curl up in a quilt filled with my love and find a few moments of comfort since I can not be there to hold her myself.  I have plans to make all my children a love quilt this year.

My other big goal is to clean every room in my house.  Make each room just the way I want and declutter.  We have already taken two car loads of junk to the goodwill truck and it hasn't even made a dent.  I think with the decluttering I will be able to think more clearly and not feel so overwhelmed all the time.  My living room is almost finished and one bedroom is available for guests.  Now I just have to keep it that way.

I am already feeling that this blogging is a good idea.  I have not done journaling in years, this just might be a good substitute.  So please come follow me and see how I do on my big goals for 2011.